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Flag of Spain

Constitution Day 2025 in Spain

Dates of Constitution Day in Spain

2026Dec 6 - Dec 7
2025Dec 6
2024Dec 6

Spain Holiday Calendars

Constitution Day, celebrated on December 6, marks the anniversary of Spain's 1978 Constitution, which established democracy after decades of dictatorship. It is a public holiday, observed with official ceremonies, educational activities, and reflections on the country's democratic values.

Constitution Day: A Public Holiday?

Constitution Day is a public holiday in Spain, with businesses, offices, and schools generally closed, allowing the nation to reflect on its democratic transition and the significance of the 1978 Constitution.

The Spanish Congress of Deputies building in Madrid, with the national flag waving above, symbolizing democracy and the celebration of Constitution Day in Spain.
The Spanish Congress of Deputies in Madrid, a key symbol of democracy, prominently featured on Constitution Day in Spain. (Image credit: iStock)

Constitution Day

Constitution Day, or Día de la Constitución, is celebrated on December 6 to mark the approval of Spain's 1978 Constitution. This document was a turning point in the country's history, officially transitioning Spain to a democratic system after decades of dictatorship under Francisco Franco. Following Franco's death in 1975, Spain entered a period of political change, aiming to establish democracy and ensure freedom for its citizens.

A referendum was held on December 6, 1978, where an overwhelming majority of Spaniards voted in favor of the new Constitution. It established fundamental rights, political freedoms, and the structure of Spain's government, defining the country as a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Since then, this day has been a national holiday, reminding citizens of the importance of democracy and unity. It serves as a symbol of Spain's commitment to freedom and constitutional values.

Constitution Day Celebration in Spain

Constitution Day is a public holiday, and official ceremonies take place across Spain. The most significant events happen in Madrid, where political leaders and government officials gather to commemorate the signing of the 1978 Constitution. Schools and institutions organize educational activities, including discussions, exhibitions, and workshops, to teach younger generations about Spain's democratic history. The Spanish flag is often displayed in public buildings, reinforcing national pride.

Many people take advantage of the holiday to relax or travel, as it falls close to Spain's Immaculate Conception holiday on December 8, creating a long weekend. Families and friends gather, and some towns hold cultural events such as concerts, public readings, and debates on democracy. Although it is not a holiday associated with grand celebrations, it holds deep historical and political significance for the country.

Constitution Day is important because it reminds Spaniards of the struggles and achievements that led to modern democracy. It highlights freedom, equality, and rights, which are the foundation of Spain's society today. The holiday encourages reflection on the progress made since 1978 and reinforces the nation's commitment to democracy and constitutional values.

Constitution Day Observances

YearDateWeekdayNameHoliday Type
2024Dec 6FriConstitution DayNational Holiday
2025Dec 6SatConstitution DayNational Holiday
2026Dec 6SunConstitution DayNational Holiday
Dec 7MonDay off for Constitution DayNational Holiday
2027Dec 6MonConstitution DayNational Holiday
2028Dec 6WedConstitution DayNational Holiday