Dates of Boxing Day in the United Kingdom
2026 | Dec 26, Dec 28 |
2025 | Dec 26 |
2024 | Dec 26 |
Related Holidays in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom Holiday Calendars
Boxing Day, which falls after Christmas on December 26th, originated as a day to give gifts or "boxes" to workers, tradespeople, and those in need. Today, it is known for post-Christmas sales, sporting events, and festive gatherings.
Boxing Day: A Public Holiday?
Boxing Day is a public holiday in the UK. Businesses, offices, and schools are typically closed, and many people enjoy the day with family or participate in post-Christmas sales. Sporting events and festive gatherings are also common on this day.

Boxing Day
Boxing Day, celebrated on December 26th, traces its roots back to centuries-old traditions in Europe. The name comes from the practice of giving "Christmas boxes", which were gifts or donations offered to workers, tradespeople, and the needy to show appreciation for their services throughout the year. These boxes often contained food, money, or small presents. The tradition evolved from acts of charity by wealthy families who gave to their staff and those in need during the holiday season. The day was also linked to the church, where collection boxes were opened, and donations were distributed to the poor.
History of Boxing Day in the UK
In the UK, Boxing Day became formally recognized as a public holiday in the 19th century during Queen Victoria's reign. Traditionally, it allowed workers and servants to take a break after Christmas Day, receiving gifts from their employers. Over time, the focus shifted from charitable giving to a day of relaxation and entertainment. Although the original customs have faded, the spirit of generosity remains part of Boxing Day. Today, it serves as an extension of Christmas festivities, often bringing families together for food, sports, and shopping.
Boxing Day Celebration in the UK
Boxing Day celebrations in the UK are a mix of relaxation, sports, and shopping. Many people enjoy spending time with family and friends, often sharing leftover Christmas food. Sporting events, especially football matches and horse races, are a key part of the day, drawing large crowds and enthusiastic fans. Another major highlight is the Boxing Day sales, with shops offering significant discounts. Many people take advantage of these sales to buy items at reduced prices, making it a popular shopping day.
The importance of Boxing Day lies in its role as a day of rest, reflection, and community. It extends the festive spirit of Christmas, encouraging people to unwind and reconnect with loved ones. Although the charitable origins are less prominent today, the day still holds meaning as a time to give back, with many choosing to donate to charities or volunteer. Boxing Day has become an integral part of the holiday season in the UK, blending tradition, leisure, and celebration.
Boxing Day Observances
Year | Date | Weekday | Name | Holiday Type |
2024 | Dec 26 | Thu | Boxing Day | Bank Holiday |
2025 | Dec 26 | Fri | Boxing Day | Bank Holiday |
2026 | Dec 26 | Sat | Boxing Day | Bank Holiday |
Dec 28 | Mon | Boxing Day Holiday | Bank Holiday |